and why they ourple?

yes i know the ship name is reguri. but purple is funnier. look at them. in all their glory. their 144p glory. theyre so cute togther. they match. i just wanna squish them like stress balls i dont even know what that means but trust me it is a positive sentiment. theyre so. grhRHGHAHgihghhggh.b.

once again i must explain my purple lore. i kinda went over it in the blue shrine but when i first googled red and blue pokemon at 12 all the art was of them kissing. and i went oh shit. gay people are real? and then i drew them. nothing has really fundementally changed since then i just learned how to draw them better.

theyre just so funny to me. the way blue never shuts up about red. hgss. he calls you at 2am. "hey. you know about this red guy." masters. literally never shuts up about him. calls him a great guy. what are you. gay? sun and moon. literally on their honeymoon. playfully makes jabs at red. god theyre so fucking HOMOSEXUAL i need gamefreak to make them CANON. OH LEST WE FORGET. the masters event that came out. on valentines day. that started off with red just beaming at blue and them saying theyre gonna go do their own thing. oh my god. every day i think about that. what were they planning. did they know?

reguri art i made that i like